Call Center 360 for Creatio

Universal no-code designer of a call center agent’s workplace compatible with any telephony. The workplace contains the necessary information about the customer and all related data from Creatio CRM. 
  • 1

    Popup customer's card

    Displays customer’s information at Creatio interface when calls proceed
  • 2
    List of related objects in Creatio
    Display customer-related orders, activities, requests, and any other CRM objects
  • 3
    360 degrees
    All the necessary information about the customer is available immediately
  • 4


    Create and customize the agent’s work window without using code
  • 5
    Automatically links call with any found data to improve analysis capabilities and provide easy access
  • 6

    JSON responder

    All information about the customer can also be obtained through the API
Usage advantages
  • More information

    Customer and contact. The necessary minimum of information
  • Fewer errors
    More information about the customer and its properties. Fewer errors in call processing
  • Less time on the line
    It takes less time to find the necessary information about the customer. All information is available immediately
  • 360° degrees
    Full 360 degree picture of the customer. All related orders, requests, activities and other Creatio CRM objects
  • Fast connection
    Switching the customer to the responsible employee or the necessary queue.
  • More loyalty
    More customer loyalty due to fast service and fewer switches and line holds
How It Works
Incoming call from PSTN
3CX requests to Creatio responsible employee and routes
The responsible employee receives a call
The customer's card pops up in Creatio with all related information
The responsible employee picked up the phone
3CX sends webhook to Creatio with call start event

The employee hangs up

3CX sends call end event to Creatio for adding CDR record

Few moments later

3CX sends a link to the conversation recording (MP3)
Call Center 360 screenshots